
Satgam, The Most Trustable Digital Marketing Company, has strategic planning experts who are experienced in bringing to you the most actionable and practical strategic plan for clients. We create the best strategic plan for your product or idea.


In Depth Position Analysis

Our Strategic plan begins with the report from marketing research experts. Please find how we perform marketing research analysis here.

Marketing Research Analysis

Our Strategic plan begins with the report from marketing research experts. Please find how we perform marketing research analysis here.

Strategic Issues Analysis

Solving Strategic issues of client will help them achieve their vision in long run. Our Team at Satgam perform internal and external analysis through SWOT framework. We carefully define the strategic issues and segregate them according to the strategical solutions. We re modify the existing strategies to solve the strategic issues along with regular planned tasks.

Current Market Positioning Map

Our experts build a market positioning map to showcase the potential position of existing product against needs of target consumer. In case of new product, We showcase the expected positioning map of product. Our positioning map shows the graph with x and y axes attributed to actual characteristics of company and its offerings to target customer.

Qualitative Perceptual Mapping

Satgam’s analytics panel designs the perceptual mapping. Our expert level mapping explains how well the customer perceptions are matched to Product’s offerings. Both Positioning Map and Perceptual Mapping reports allow clients to analyze the three-dimensional view of their product and user interaction.

Macro Environment Insight

Our Experts analyze the major factors like demographic, technological etc. contributing to the product’s niche and major hindrances contributing to product’s underperformance. Such detailed insight reveals the gaps to work and fill in.


Our Strategic plan begins with the report from marketing research experts. Please find how we perform marketing research analysis here.

Unbiased Surveys

Our accurate surveys with unbiased collection of data ensures the client in confident launch or relaunch

Complete Online Reputation Picture

In order to understand the future of an organization’s product, it is important to have accurate data on what people are saying about that product online. Our precise data collection through measuring of online reputation predicts the future of client’s existing product, expected ground strength of upcoming product in the niche.

Advanced User Cohort Data

Cohort analysis reveals the hidden data of customer’s repeated usage of product (in case of client’s existing product), competitor’s product (in case of client’s upcoming product). A cohort analysis is a statistical technique used to identify groups of people based on similar characteristics. This type of analysis helps marketers understand how customers use products over time. 

Social Media Listening

Our AI powered social media listening techniques result in the trends of product’s niche and expected rate of continuity. We use our proprietary AI algorithms to listen to what people are saying about products and brands online. We monitor conversations across multiple channels including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.


We care for your goals

Envisaging Your Long-Term Goals

Our Strategic Planners help you frame the most suitable long-term goals for your product’s aim

Geographic Expansion Plan
Product line Extension Plan
Technology adaptation Plan
Stability Maintenance Plan

Visualizing Your Short-Term Goals

Our extensive data collection ensures your product’s strong stand in reaching short term goals

Satisfactory Customer Service Plan
Niche Specific Business Plan
Customer Retention Plan
Breaking Even Plan

We work for your vision
We meet your objectives

Empowering Your Vision and Mission

Orchestrated Tense
Uplifting Phrase Structure
Outcome Driving Statement
Brand Mapping Verbs

Visualizing Your Short-Term Goals

Content Planning
Web Development
Designs and Creative Development
Branding Awareness
Brand Positioning
Brand Communication

Right Strategy at Right time


In order to maintain our competitive edge in the marketplace, we must strategically implement new technologies and methods. Our organization is well-positioned to capitalize on new technological opportunities, but in order to do so, we must identify and assess our business risks. We must also create a plan for implementing these technologies that is aligned with our overall business strategy.

  • SWOT and Framework Correlation
  • Framework Implementation
  • Review Progress
  • Remarketing
  • Retargeting
  • Technical Training

Before the implementation of the plan, we perform SWOT analysis and document the internal and external strengths and weaknesses. We correlate the documented SWOT attributes with Framework and cross check framework’s assurance of meeting SWOT attributes.

We coordinate with clients’ teams in implementing the product’s strategic plan framework.

Our Analysts continuously monitor the progress and mark the milestones and key areas. We also mark the probable risky areas. In such risky areas during framework implementation, the gaps are analyzed and needs more dynamic action with additional budget and resources.

Satgam’s Content Marketing Team records the lead and user interaction data through our Ai Powered Email Marketing Services. Our Content Writers design the highly interactive sales copy for personalised emails to initial leads.  

With the effective analysis of Google, Adobe, Power BI, Tableau and other analytics tools, we collect and build the audience from the ad campaigns and retarget them with specialized ads and custom emails.

Satgam is at its best in providing technical training and guidance post implementation of framework. We provide training to inside teams of client and guide them continuing the strategical implementation. We also provide maintenance and support teams to take care of your product post implementation

Let’s discuss about how we can help make your business better

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